kettlebells at the gym



man standing on bridge holding book writing down quotes better than pre-workout and thinking

10 Quotes Better Than Pre-Workout

I’ll be honest, I have never taken pre-workout. I just kinda take my workouts as they come. I just do my best if I’m tired…

a mustang restored to perfection parked on a tiled ground next to another old car

My Dad, A Mustang, and Perfection

Oftentimes starting is the most difficult part. We tell ourselves we will start eating healthy on January 1. Or we say next Monda…

the future of fitness shown by a dad wearing glasses lying on a bed holding son with curly head above his chest by a big window

Fitness is Evolving: The Future Of Fitness

Who knows how 2020 will be written in the history books? There are still a few months left and, as we have seen, a lot can happen …

woman makes a good athlete wearing tights sneakers and sports bra in a running pose with hair in messy bun

What Makes A Good Athlete?

There are several features that make a good athlete. And they’re certainly not all about physical fitness. Since we are a Cr…

doing push ups to build muscle with bodyweight exercises

Can I Build Muscle With Bodyweight Exercises?

Bodyweight exercises can get a bit of a bad rap in fitness circles. However, it is most certainly possible to build muscle with bo…

child in boxing ring weightlifting at a young age for fitness

Is Weightlifting At A Young Age Bad For You?

If your child has shown an interest in tagging along to the gym sometime, you might be wondering if it’s a good idea. While weig…

hero wods showing two men in military uniforms standing on rocks one man holding a flare above his head

What Are Hero WODs And Why Do We Do Them?

What Are Hero WODs? Hero WODs are an important part of CrossFit. Officially, CrossFit describes Hero WODs in the following terms: …

man with short hair sitting on workout bench in gym making high intensity workouts sustainable by resting holding his phone

Keeping High Intensity Workouts Sustainable

High intensity and CrossFit go together like shoelaces. In fact, ask someone who has recently gotten their L1 (CrossFit’s base …

pull ups every day for intense fitness

What Would Happen If I Did Pull Ups Every Day?

Pull ups are the classic back exercise. You probably learned to do them as a kid, but they’re a useful addition to a workout rou…

people working out in a group fitness class


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