
Support Other CrossFitters: Give Compliments

She joined CrossFit in an effort to lose weight, trim up, and feel stronger. It had been a while since she exercised, but a friend convinced her to try CrossFit. She told her it was a a great community with lots of support for other CrossFitters. She spent some time choosing the right box and then went along. The first few weeks were agonizing. She had never felt this sore before. Plus, and eating healthier was harder than she thought.  

But it got easier

As the weeks pressed on and turned to months, the WODs didn’t get any easier. But she could tell she was improving. Eating healthier was becoming less time consuming, and now she didn’t have to look at every single nutritional label when she went shopping. 

Most noticeable to her was how differently her clothes were fitting. Usually her clothing had been tight around the waist and baggy around the leg, now it was the opposite. She was also noticing little changes when she looked in the mirror. She wasn’t losing weight which was weird because she definitely could see some of her “problem areas” not being so problematic. But no one had complimented her so she just continued eating healthy and doing her WODs.

A few more months went by and she was really noticing some improvements. Her strength was increasing, and her metcon times were getting faster. It was easier to breathe during hard workouts now and she was feeling more comfortable with cleans.

A few of her friends had mentioned how good she was looking and this made her happy, but no one at her box had said anything yet… And why should they? She thought to herself; compared to her they were amazing. They moved well, had veins popping out everywhere and lifted way more weight than she ever could.

She was starting to question if she would ever be like that. It was hard to stay motivated when people didn’t notice her improvements and changes. Yes she knew it was silly to place that much of her self confidence in others but she still wondered why no one said anything. 

Did others even notice?

It was Friday, and she had just gotten off work. It had been a stressful day and she didn’t even feel like going to workout. The WOD had box jumps in it, she hated box jumps, but she decided to go anyway. It was Friday evening and as usual the class was pretty small compared to most other days. But there was a new girl in there, they had a few minutes before the class started and introduced themselves.

During the WOD the new girl had a tough time, as she did what felt like her 1000th box jump she reminded herself to go tell the new girl afterwards how good she did and that it will get easier. As they put their equipment away she mentioned how well the new girl did. The new girl sighed, and said, “Ugh I was just trying to keep up with you, you are so good! And you look great by the way.”

A smile crossed her face, and she felt very flattered. Two sentences from a total stranger and it changed her day. She felt motivated again. It felt like all her work was paying off – finally someone noticed!

Support other CrossFitters and acknowledge their growth

Moral of the story, compliment someone. It’s a great way to support other CrossFitters. It might be just the motivation they need to keep going. Everyone loves to get a compliment for their achievements. This is especially true when they have had to work hard for them. There’s no need to feel awkward, or reluctant. Foster a community of encouragement and remember to support other CrossFitters. Take 5 seconds out of your day and pay someone a compliment.


Find Your Motivation

CrossFit is hard work. It’s important to find your motivation – your why. You need to have a reason to get up and go to class every day. If you have a reason to cling to that’s personal to you, you’ll thrive so much more than you would otherwise.

I still remember my very first CrossFit class. I had just turned 24. For a long time, I had no interest in CrossFit. But one day, I realized the routine I had been doing was not working. So, I decided to give it a try.

I walked in and was surprised by who I saw. A pot bellied man in his 40s or 50s, a skinny kid who looked about 12, and a mom that looked like she had never worked out a day in her life. I’ll be honest, I looked at them and thought “If they are doing CrossFit, how hard can it be”?  I was quickly and aggressively humbled…

I don’t remember the WOD, probably due to lack of oxygen to my brain. But, I do remember feeling like my heart was going to explode. My muscles were about to give out and my lungs were burning so bad that I couldn’t stop coughing. I looked around and the three people I had previously thought were easy competition were lapping me. They were beating me so bad it made it look like I was standing still.

I assumed these people must have been doing CrossFit for a few months, so I asked. No one there had been doing CrossFit for more than 2 weeks! Humility slapped me again. A 24 year old who had played sports and worked out for his whole life couldn’t hang with middle aged adults and a pre-teen! It was a wake up call. I instantly became committed to this new lifestyle.

Starting vs. finishing

As many have before me and as many have since that day, I started. But here is the thing, starting is easy. Anyone, literally ANYONE can start something. And yes, starting new things takes courage and it is impressive to see people start down the road of self improvement. But, I have learned that becoming strong enough to go through trials and tribulations is much more impressive than starting.

A lot of people want to lose weight, get stronger, work out a little bit, or whatever their goal might be. And many of those people start down that road. They try it out for a few days, weeks, maybe even months. But then an obstacle pops up. Maybe they tweak their back, their work schedule changes, they take a couple weeks off which turns into a couple months. Eventually, they end up quitting all together.

Guess what. Given enough time, adversity comes for everyone. Life steps in front of everyone’s goal. Your goal might be to get in shape, or have a family, earn a million dollars, or restore a car. It does not matter what it is, but you will have to stay committed if you want to finish

And the further down the road to your dream you go, the further that finish line gets. You will reach checkpoints, but the finish line you originally pictured is a false peak. You have to keep pushing.

Many times in my CrossFit career both as a member and as an owner that finish line has moved on me.

Fail, cry, rest, or break down

If you want to succeed, you need to take quit out of your vocabulary. Seriously, do not even let it enter your mind. 

There can be no quitting if you want to reach your goal. You might fail, you might break down and cry. You might need to rest, you might need to seek out help. All of these are fine and, if you have worked towards your goal long enough, all of these will happen.  

The only thing not allowed is quitting. If you need to slow down from a sprint to a walk that’s okay. If you need to stop and catch your breath, okay. But you will continue forward, there is no turning back. 

You just have to realize pushing towards your goal is the only way. It won’t be easy. There will be tough challenges and situations that make you rethink your goal. But you must find your motivation, your why, and hold onto it.

My why helps me when I have had surgery, an injury or wasn’t sure if the business would make it. I remember my why and it drives me to not give up.

Find your motivation

To find your motivation, think to yourself: WHY am I doing this? Let it come to you.

Everyone’s why is different. Some people want to be the best, and win gold. Others want to be the top earner in a company. Maybe they just want to lose a certain amount of weight. Maybe they want to provide a great life for their kids. Some people have people relying on them to accomplish this goal, and their why drives them to it. 

Your why is that internal motivation. It is what makes it possible to keep going when you are tired or broken. Your why is what tells you to keep going even when you physically and mentally feel like you have given all. Your why isn’t mental, or physical, or logical…it is pure emotion. You can’t always rely on the physical, mental, or logical avenues. Why?

On the road to achievement you can’t let logic tell you what to do. Because logic will rationalize quitting. Logic will allow you to give up, and tell you it’s okay that you didn’t accomplish what you set out to do. Emotion will push your limits beyond what you logically or physically or mentally knew was possible. Your why is an ace up your sleeve. No one and nothing can take it from you. Doesn’t matter how big, or intimidating the challenge is – your ace can beat it.

If you don’t know your why, start trying to find your motivation. And once you do, hold onto it. Sometimes you may not need it, but when you do let it carry you towards that finish line.


Learning to be Human Part II

So in part 1 (click here to read) we talked human fitness throughout evolution. We discussed the idea that maybe, in our modern, artificial, and domesticated lives, there is something missing. 

Some of these missing pieces are things that, throughout evolution, we have given up in the name of progress. Some things haven’t been taught, due to them being seen as old, outdated, savage, or improper. 

We also reviewed some ways to be more human and reconnect with that deep part of our brain. These things were:

  • Change your routine
  • Start back at step one
  • Remember what playing is
  • Immerse yourself in nature
  • Reconnect with your tribe
  • Leave the shoes at the door
  • Learn about your food
  • Observe without distractions
  • Gain old skills

Revert back

The quickest way to go back to our roots as humans and allowing your daily life to be what keeps you fit, healthy and strong is to give up everything

I’m talking about your house, job, transportation, plumbing, shoes, clothing, medicines, any processed foods. You are no longer allowed to go to the store…you get the idea. Now, as freeing and unchained as this may sound, not many people want to do this extreme of a change. This includes myself. 

Like we discussed a few weeks ago, humans and other animals have an old, deep part of the brain that is responsible for basic tasks mainly built around survival. This is a very deeply rooted system. Its sole purpose is to make the best decision possible for you to continue living. It is truly a fascinating system.  

What this means is basically your mind knows that by giving up all of our comforts, our chance for survival would dramatically decrease. This fires up the lizard inside of us and says “no way, don’t do that”.

But, we can implement a few minor things that will help us be healthier and hopefully be more fulfilled as a human, while still allowing our lizard self to not fear for our safety.

How to reconnect with human fitness throughout evolution

Change your routine

Switch up your routine in the gym, your morning routine, the way you get home or get to the store. Change forces you to think. It forces us to learn new ways to do things. Are you right hand dominant? Brush your teeth with your left hand for a few days.  

We build habits and our ancient ancestors had habits too, like using a favorite hunting spot, or a stream that always had water. But on the way to the stream, they may have had to deal with a giant tree that fell across their usual path. Or maybe they had to take a different way because an animal was in the spot they usually went to. The point is, human fitness throughout evolution has been affected by humans having little control over their routine. They had to be able to adjust and adapt to their environment much more so than we do now. 

Start back at step one

If you have been a member with us at Buffalo Nickel CrossFit you have undoubtedly done crawls/walks. Bear crawls, crab walks, farmers carries, etc. These are some of my favorite pieces of torture movement. They always look so simple and easy because they are so basic. I mean, a child can crawl! 

But it never takes long for the muscles to start burning and these simple movements to become excruciating and difficult. Snatches, DU, muscle ups, lifting heavy weight, and handstands are all cool and fun. Today we want to do things that look cool on Instagram, but I promise you our that old world humans did not have to do snatches or muscle ups to live.

I can also promise you, with the same confidence, that they did have to crawl, walk and carry to survive. Human fitness throughout evolution has been shaped by these simple, basic movements. We shouldn’t forget just how beneficial and tough these movements can be.  

Remember what playing is

One of the certifications I have attended was called Movnat. I absolutely loved it and learned a ton. Movnat does things very different than most other athletic programs. One of these things is instead of using the words ‘train’ or ‘practice’ they use the word ‘play’. This is to serve as a reminder that humans have only recently begun to ‘train’ athletic movements.  

As a child you don’t realize that by falling to the ground and getting back up that you are doing a burpee. To you, you are just playing. You aren’t doing pull ups – you are climbing trees, or doing monkey bars. Playing invokes creativity, and fun. Sure, a CrossFit WOD can mimic this and is fun for a lot of people including myself, but play is different. 

For example, a few weeks ago we went to float the Illinois River. The river bed and banks are rock/gravel. We pulled over on a gravel bar to relax and in no time there was a competition to see who could throw a rock to the other side, or who could hit the tree branch in the water with a rock. No one was “working out”, we were all just playing.

Being in nature is a key part of human fitness through evolution

I think most of us agree that after spending time outdoors in nature we feel happier, more optimistic and simply better. Nature has the magical ability to, for lack of a better term, heal us. Listening to the sounds, seeing wide open spaces or tall mountains, crossing a cool stream, feeling the shade of a tree, or counting stars…nature is magical.

There are tons of studies which show nature benefits humans. People who live in or near nature and outdoors are generally healthier, the risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death, blood pressure, and stress levels are all reduced. They are also generally more active which only helps with the above conditions, as well as many other benefits.

You may not have a national park or ocean in your backyard but you don’t need to. Just being able to walk in the grass, see trees, hear birds, or smell flowers can be enough to feel mental and physical health benefits.

Reconnect with your tribe 

Humans formed tribes for survival. Tribes meant protection, safety, sharing of resources, and a bigger gene pool. In the ancient times, you didn’t get to choose your tribe. Today we are lucky enough to not only choose who our tribe is but we have many tribes!

We have our home tribe, our work tribe, our gym tribe, we have lots of tribes. But how often do we truly connect with them? Do we just ask basic questions and move on or do we put down our phones, talk, listen, and engage each other?

A great way to connect with your tribe is over a meal. Humans have shared food with each other for eons. Share a meal and conversation with your loved ones. Learn about your tribe, get to know them. Put your phone down, turn off the TV and just talk. Enjoy your tribe and reconnect with them.


Changing How You Think About Fitness Progress

CrossFitters, and athletes in general are type A personalities. Go-getters. We are competitive and usually have a very strong inner drive to make fitness progress.  I believe this is a good trait to have in life and it also helps us to push ourselves during our training and or competitions. 

CrossFit is the sport of fitness. The revolutionary thing CrossFit did was combined all these different exercises and then tracked the data to see how fit people were getting. This has been great and it has helped thousands if not millions of people be introduced to health and fitness as well as improve their life in the same way.  

However, with hyper-competitiveness and intense training comes some issues. These may include strains, injuries, burn-out, technique failures, loss of proper technique, and many more. So how are we measuring fitness progress and how can we improve the process?

The standard way

Most people measure fitness progress in ways that are as old as time. These ways might include:

  • 1 rep max
  • Volume/rep maxes (such as 3, 5, 10, 20 rep max)
  • Size
  • Weight
  • Body fat

Of course all of these can be important and are great ways to measure fitness progress. That’s a reason they have always been used. They work, plain and simple. 

But to stay healthy and fit for life you also have to focus on recovery, movement quality, and overall well-being and nutrition.

Other ways to measure fitness progress

  • Number of days you maintain heavy work loads or high intensity workouts
  • Ability to stay injury free
  • Improved technique
  • Mobilization improvements
  • Recovery time after an intense WOD
  • Aptness to move in a pain free way
  • Potential to complete life tasks and care for one’s own well being

CrossFit, health, fitness, and life are about much more than how heavy you lift. It’s not about if you have abs or not, or if you can’t sit in a standard airplane seat easily because your legs are so big. I think your health and fitness should be utilitarian. In essence, fitness progress is about how your body serves you in day to day life.

Keep the big (life) picture in sight

You might move heavy weight, you might be 5% body fat, or maybe you have the biggest arms around. But if your joints constantly hurt, you have zero energy and are cranky, or you can’t reach behind you or across your body then what’s the point?!  

Your body is a machine, and it has to be taken care of. Like all well-built machines it can take a lot of abuse and mishandling before an important piece fails. And I promise that if you push too hard, eventually pieces will fail and break.

But a machine that is run at the appropriate RPMs, paid attention to, handled properly, and gets regular maintenance will serve its owner for a long, long time.  

Start caring about your body, it is the only one you get.