
Connecting CrossFit And Mental Health

You probably already know that CrossFit has many awesome physical benefits. Committing to any kind of healthy lifestyle and exercise regime is definitely a big step on your way to a fit and strong body. However, the mental health benefits of CrossFit are sometimes overlooked. In each of November’s posts, we’ve focused on the different aspects of CrossFit and mental health. In today’s article, we’ll highlight the most important mental health benefits of CrossFit, and how to access them.

Keeping the right mindset for CrossFit and mental health

Although CrossFit and exercise in general are great for your wellbeing, it can be hard to stay motivated all the time. When you’re trying to better yourself and your body, you almost certainly will have down days. It can get overwhelming, tiring, and you will sometimes lose your drive. There are many strategies for keeping a positive mindset that will benefit you.

Many people also struggle with feelings of failure. While failure is an unavoidable part of any goal you try to reach, it can be hard to break out of negative self talk when you fall into it. Most of the time, these thoughts are linked to comparing ourselves to others. It’s important to remember that our fitness journeys are only our own. Everyone moves at their own pace and has their own mountains to climb. But, you can learn from your inevitable failures, and use them to your advantage.

Making the most of the CrossFit community

Research shows that humans, being social creatures, are at their happiest when they’re an important part of a strong community. This could be a church, sports team, class, or any other group that they care about. One of the key ways CrossFit benefits mental health is through the strong sense of community. 

More so than any other social fitness league, CrossFit members report a feeling of belonging. Through a hard earned culture of support and encouragement, CrossFitters are always committed to helping others on their own fitness journeys. 

The CrossFit community is one of the best things about the sport, and has a ton of physical benefits too. When you join a CrossFit box, you’re joining a tight knit group of people who will cheer you on and make you feel more determined to succeed. If you’re a social type, make sure to get involved with the existing community. Chat post WOD, meet up outside of the gym, and get to know the others from your classes. You’ll be amazed at how much this benefits your fitness and mental state.

Practising self care

Although many people use exercise as a way to unwind after an intense day, stress is actually shown to decrease the effectiveness of your workouts. To maximize the mental health benefits of exercise, focus on your own self care first.

You can decrease your stress through activities such as meditation, taking a vacation, or spending quality time with loved ones. These acts of self care are crucial for maintaining a good mental space and preventing burnout.

The connection between CrossFit and mental health

Mental and physical health are part of the same interconnected system. You can’t truly have great mental health with poor physical health, and vice versa. At Buffalo Nickel CrossFit, we believe in helping people have a healthy mind. Because, in turn, this will help them to have a healthy body and a truly healthy lifestyle.