
10 Core Exercises For Your Workout Routine

Core exercises are a crucial part of your daily workout routine. These muscles, which include the abdominals, back and pelvis, are important for your balance and posture

Many trainers recommend spending ten minutes building your core every day. A quick and simple workout that easily fits into your day is a great way to stay motivated and make steady progress on your fitness journey.

Of course, you don’t want to do the same exercises every single day. In this post we have some core exercises that won’t get too monotonous day in, day out.

Every day, pick 3-4 from the list below and perform a few sets of each. You’ll be on your way to having washboard abs in no time.

Hollow holds

This is an awesome isometric core exercise. Lay on your back and slowly raise your legs and shoulders off the ground, with your arms extended above your head. Imagine your ribcage is glued to the floor.

Hold the pose for 10-60 seconds, depending on how challenging you’re finding it. You can make your hollow hold harder by gently rocking your body back and forth, using your core to propel the movement. 

V Ups

Lie down on your back. Perform a crunch by raising your feet to the ceiling, and bringing your upper body off the ground. Reach with your arms to touch your toes. 

From the side, your body will look like the letter V – hence the name. V ups are a great way to develop a tight and stable core. Try doing 2-3 sets of 10-25 reps.

Hanging Knee Raise

This movement challenges your lower abs, which can sometimes be neglected by other ab exercises. Hang straight from gymnastic rings or a pull-up bar, and simply bring your knees up to your chest. With control, slowly straighten your legs. Perform 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.

You can easily turn these core exercises into an L-sit instead, which is more challenging. Rather than bending your knees, bring them straight up, bending only at your hips. Your body should look like a 90 degree angle.

You can also alter this exercise by raising your knees off to the side, rather than pulling them straight towards your chest. This will focus on your obliques. 


Burpees are notoriously tiring, but super effective. Begin in a standing position and then squat down. Bring your hands to the floor, and jump your legs back into a prone position.

Perform a push up, then jump your legs back into a crouch position. Finish the rep by jumping in the air as high as you can.

After 3 sets of 12-15, you should have your heart rate up, and your core will be on fire!

Box Jumps

These are another cardio-heavy core exercise. Begin your box jump by standing in front of a sturdy box. Powerfully jump with both feet onto the box, and stand up straight on top of it. Softly jump back down. 

The bigger the box, the bigger the challenge. If the box is small, do reps of 15-20. If the box is a very challenging height, you may find just 2-3 reps per set is enough to get your heart rate up.

Mountain Climbers

Begin by facing the floor in a prone position, with your palms flat on the floor, arms extended, and your body supported by your toes.

Bend your left leg up to your chest, and then return it to its original position, and quickly switch to your right leg. It will feel like running in place in a plank position. Almost all the pressure should be felt on your core.

Perform reps of 20-40 (10-20 on each leg). 

Russian Twists

This core exercise has its name because it was developed for Soviet soldiers during the Cold War. So it’s bound to be effective!

Holding a medicine ball or dumbbell in both hands, sit on the ground with your knees bent and your heels raised off the floor. Use your abs to twist to the left, and tap the weight gently onto the floor beside you. Then, use your abs to tap the weight over onto the floor on your right side. Continue like this until your reps are complete.

By holding your heels off the floor, you’re forcing your core to work hard to stay stable. Do 3 sets of 10-20 on each side.

Crocodile Walk

Begin in the lowered part of a push-up, in a prone position with your arms bent. Then, simply crawl. You need to engage your abs and glutes to keep your body as low to the ground as possible.

Aim to crawl in this position for 30 seconds. You might find it easier if you set a physical target to crawl towards. This whole-body movement is very difficult. You’ll quickly be feeling the burn. 

Overhead Squat

Hold a barbell above your head, and simply perform a classic squat. 

The weight being above your head will shift your center of gravity to be far higher than it usually is. Your core will have to work extra hard to keep you stable. This core exercise is awesome because it’s a compound lift, so it works many muscle groups all at once, so your legs will also get a great workout.

If you’re lifting heavy, try 3 sets of 5. If the weight is on the lighter side, try 2 sets of 10.

Battle Ropes

This is one of those core exercises that feels powerful and really fun to do. Battle ropes are a whole body movement that, when done correctly, require 100% of your energy. It’s great cardio and blasts your core.

Grab a rope in each hand, and simply ‘throw’ waves through them, in an alternating fashion. You can use the battle ropes while standing, kneeling, or performing a squat movement. 


Keeping Track Of Math During CrossFit WODs

Ever been mid-WOD and all of a sudden it seems like you can’t remember if you are on round 3 or 4? Or you decide to record your back squat weight after the metcon and now you can’t remember what that number was? If math is hard, math during CrossFit is truly awful. But, like everything in CrossFit, we can find out and how to improve.

Memory loss

You are 12 reps in on Grace. Then, all of a sudden, you can’t remember if you are on rep 13 or 18…what happened?!  

When our bodies are placed under high levels of stress the brain turns off the areas responsible for creativity, contemplation, planning, and critical thinking. It does this because years and years of evolution gave us the ability to form thoughts, create, and think, but it has yet to get rid of the ‘lizard brain’.

Lizard brain

The deepest, most basic part of our brain stem is often referred to as our lizard brain or reptilian brain. It is responsible for the most primitive stimulus: thirst, hunger, limb movement, habits and fight or flight. As we become more and more stressed, our brain reverts to this deep lizard brain and it shuts off the functions of the other parts. 

Your mind is basically saying, “we are under attack and your safety is in danger! You either need to stand, fight and kill the danger, or you need to run and get away from the danger!” 

Now, hopefully during a WOD your safety is not truly in danger, but your brain doesn’t really know that. All it recognizes is the stress it has been placed under. It doesn’t need to know if you are on rep 13 or 18 to survive, so the mind throws that little useless piece of information away. It will stay like this until the stress has been relieved and our breathing/heart rate has lowered to a normal level. 

Lizard brain to lizard king: tips for math during CrossFit

You may never sing like Morrison but you can train your brain to think more critically during stressful situations.  How do we do this?

Widen your view

Count how many people are in class, or look around and pick out everything that is a certain color. Widening your view forces your brain to power on, think through the stress, and pick up important details.

Concentrate on your breathing

Focus on how you are breathing. Is it short and fast? Or deep and controlled? Start breathing better and get oxygen to your brain so it can expand and get back to thinking beyond basic survival.

Don’t focus on one thing

Allowing yourself to have self imposed blinders will give you tunnel vision. This is great for survival because it allows us to take in every detail about the danger that is coming for us. But, it’s not so great for math during CrossFit. So, we want to break that. Keep your vision broad and don’t let it get too locked on one thing.

Give it time

You will find that sometimes you do these things really well and other times you don’t. It is like getting better at double-unders. Practice and time is the only way to get better at math during CrossFit. So don’t be too hard on yourself and just continue to practice.

Okay but how about fixing my math during CrossFit TODAY?

Well you probably won’t ‘fix’ it today, but we do have some tricks of the trade to help remember how to keep track of reps/rounds/weights/etc.

Write it down

At Buffalo Nickel CrossFit we use small personal white boards with expo markers. During metcons we make tallies for every rep/round or mark off the numbers and movements we have completed. There are some shorthand tips for keeping a workout log, if that’s something you want to try.

You can also write down your time when you are done, then roll around on the floor sucking wind for the next 5 minutes. Once you’ve finished your immediate recovery and come back to the world, you have your time already recorded!

Switchin sides

I remember being new to CrossFit and I saw an athlete completing Grace. She would do a C&J drop the bar, step over it, turn around and then hit her next rep. Not only was it giving her a moment to breath and keep a working pace, but it also allowed her to narrow down the rep she was on in case she forgot.

If she was facing one way she was on even reps, if she was facing the opposite way she was on odd reps.  This can be helpful for movements like box jumps, pull ups, deadlifts, and more.


Karen is a single movement high rep metcon, 150 wallballs for time. It can become very easy to forget where you are. Deciding beforehand that you will break every 20, 30, or 50 reps allows you to have a checkpoint. 

You might forget if you are on rep 60 or 80 but if you can think back through your big numbers it makes it a little easier to get caught back up.

Try some of these tips for math during CrossFit during your next WOD and let us know what you think!


What Is Butt Wink And Is It Bad?

There are a few topics in fitness circles that have polarizing sides and can cause major arguments. Sumo vs conventional dead lifts? Is CrossFit dangerous or not? Is butt wink bad? These are all touchy subjects.

Butt wink, as it is so lovingly called, is when someone goes lower into their squat (hopefully after they pass parallel) and their hips rotate and tuck under them. Basically, this allows them to get into a deeper squat position. The controversial aspect is around if butt wink is dangerous, or causes back problems.

If you don’t want to read and learn, here is the short answer. It depends, but most people have some degree of butt wink and are okay.

Here’s the long answer.

Why does butt wink happen?

Basically there are two schools of thought here. The first is that butt wink is an anatomical thing that is more prone to happening to certain people. The other perspective is that butt wink is a mobility issue and can be fixed. 

Most people, myself included, fall to the anatomical side. With that said, I do think having better mobility can help. But mobility can only do so much. It can’t move your anatomy.

So what are the anatomical reasons? Believe it or not, people are different. Some people have wider/deeper pelvic bone structure than others. Others have longer/shorter femurs, and the femur head might sit higher or lower on the hip. The femoral neck can also be shorter or longer on some people. Your femur length to torso length ratio also plays a factor.

Basically there are tons of anatomical reasons that a person might have butt wink. 

But what about the mobility part?

Like we said, mobility can help you squat in a better position but it can’t do anything to change how your hips are built. Your mobility won’t change your femur to torso ratio. 

However, a major player in the mobility game during a squat is your ankles. If the ankles are tight and immobile then a perfect squat is going to be very difficult or maybe not possible. By increasing ankle mobility and range of motion, you’ll be able to squat in a much healthier way.

But is butt wink bad?

It can be. Once again, most people have some degree of butt wink somewhere in a full “ass to grass” squat. That doesn’t automatically make it bad. However, it also doesn’t mean it is totally acceptable for every person. This is especially true if you have lower back issues.

The ‘bad’ part of butt wink is that any time the spine is loaded and rounds then you open yourself up for injury. You might get lucky and be okay for a while but after many many reps where this is allowed to happen, your chances of injury increase.

If a person who does not have any previous lower back issues does a squat with no load (i.e. bodyweight) then the risk is relatively low. But the heavier the weight and the sooner in the squat the butt wink occurs, the more likely there will be lower back problems and pain. 

For a person who already has lower back issues, even a bodyweight squat or high reps of bodyweight squats can cause pain.

What to take away

There are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Don’t just forget about mobility and blame your butt wink totally on your genetics.
  • Video yourself squatting, or have a coach who knows what to look for watch you for multiple reps.
  • If you have pain or issues, stop. That is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong.
  • Work on increasing your mobility first, before worrying about anything else, unless it is pain.
  • Be okay working with some lighter weights while your body is adjusting and breaking bad habits.

How I deal with my butt wink

For me, I get butt wink just below parallel. If I sit all the way into my squat, it is pretty pronounced. My ankle mobility could be better, but I do try and work on it every week. I don’t squat massive weight, or even anywhere near what most other males my age and size do. I don’t have pain or low back issues and generally I feel fine in my squats.

Now, if I were coaching myself here is what I would say: You should focus on improving the ankle mobility and core strength (to help keep the chest up in heavy squats). As long as you don’t have any pain or discomfort you are probably okay to continue just like you have been.  But if something does cause you problems, let me know and don’t just think it will go away.

If you have any questions with the squat, butt wink or anything else please let us know. We love to help!