CrossFit is not perfect, but it’s close. I am talking about the methodology, we all know the sport and brand are extremely flawed. CrossFit methodology encourages a broad range of physical ability and skills. That’s what I love about it. Sure you can do other things to stay healthy and develop skills but as far as being the most rounded fitness and health wise there is nothing better than CrossFit.
CrossFit had to come up with a definition for fitness, because Websters definition is pretty lackluster, “the state of being fit” and a science-y wording of “being able to pass genes on”. So, they defined it using 10 physical skills:
cardiovascular/respiratory, endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. You are as fit as you are competent in each of these 10 skills.
Basically each of these 10 skills is a spoke of a wheel, we want each of these 10 to be as equal as possible so our “fitness wheel” rolls smoothly.
But WHY is mobility important?
Mobility means your ability to move through a range of motion. Take an air squat for example, the squat is the foundation of movement. When humans were just coming into existence the squat allowed us to stand up.
Even today it’s important to be able to do a full depth squat. Don’t believe me? Next time you go to the bathroom try to do so without squating…exactly.
Squats can work every muscle in our bodies, depending on how we weight them. I am convinced you can become strong and fit simply by doing different types of squats, and squats only.
But this only happens if we can move through the range of motion.
Being able to move through full ranges of motion (ROM) is important because it gives us more ability to be fit, it keeps our joints, tendons, and ligaments healthy, it gives us better control over our bodies. It allows you to lift weight more safely, and also helps your body look better and use more of your muscles.
Most importantly, if we are able to move we are able to be healthier for longer. As we age it is important to stay as independent for as long as possible and we can only do that if we are healthy and can move ourselves under our own power. If an elderly person who can’t do a squat falls down, the chances of them being able to get themselves off the ground are slim to none.
Mobility is one area of health, but it is an important area since it allows you to move into positions safely. It is also a great skill to work on during the days where you may be sore, or already had some intense workouts and just need a recovery day.