Throughout all of recorded history, humans have thrived the most when they are a valued part of a community that is important to them. We are naturally social creatures and enjoy feeling a sense of belonging a community gives. Many people love spending time with people from their church, their parents’ group or colleagues. In modern times, sports teams and other fitness groups are some of the most popular communities. The CrossFit community is one of the most well-known and celebrated social fitness groups.
A recent study in the academic journal Leisure Sciences found that CrossFit members had a far greater sense of community than members of other sports groups. Further, the higher the sense of community people felt, the more they motivated they were to go work out.
The group setting and social vibe of the box is one of the best features of CrossFit, and has amazing benefits both socially and for physical fitness.
Here are our top five favorite things about the CrossFit community
1. A healthy sense of competition
At a CrossFit gym, there’s always going to be someone fitter, faster, stronger, and generally better than you. Many people find this very motivating. You can see your potential, and you want to be as fit as them. Plus, you can befriend this person. You can always ask CrossFit veterans for tips and advice on how they got to their level. They’re not just there to motivate you, but to help you out on your fitness journey when you need it.
2. A high energy environment
If you’ve ever gone for a solo run in a secluded, quiet area, you probably know how hard it can be to motivate yourself to get into the workout. However, when you show up to a CrossFit gym, you’ll find a group of people buzzing with excitement for the day’s workout. This energy is perfect for helping you get your head in the game. Chatting with others with similar goals is energizing and helps you stay in the best mindset to smash your workout.
3. You’ve always got someone cheering you on
The CrossFit community is famous for being super supportive. Everyone was in the newbie’s position at some point. They know how it feels and they want to make you feel comfortable and supported. You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to push yourself past what you thought were your limits when you’ve got others cheering you on.
4. Accountability
Once you become a familiar face at CrossFit, people will notice if you don’t show up. When you just go to the gym, you won’t really face any consequences if you miss a day. If you miss a day of CrossFit then the next time you go, people will be asking where you were at, and maybe hassling you a little for missing a workout. Although it can sometimes feel a little annoying, this accountability is very valuable for staying on track on your fitness journey.
5. You can make lifelong friends
Many people find that making friends as an adult can be pretty hard. Outside of school or work, it can be hard to get to know people. However, the CrossFit community can help you to meet people with similar goals and values to yourself. You’ll find that many people at CrossFit are siblings, spouses or friends. There’s often birthdays or other events that the members celebrate together. It’s quite easy to form meaningful relationships through CrossFit, which is always a nice experience.