
How To Do Burpees: The Buffalo Nickel Guide

Raise your hand if you love burpees! What? Nobody?! I agree. Even though I don’t love burpees, I also can’t say that I hate them. I actually don’t mind them at all. They’re not too bad, if you know how to do burpees.

I used to hate burpees. Yes, hate is a very strong word. In this case, it’s completely accurate. I considered burpees to be equal to the devil. They are one of the most challenging CrossFit core exercises.

If I’m being honest, I hated them because I wasn’t good at them and I just couldn’t ever get comfortable with the suck. If you know me, you know I don’t like it when things are hard for me. So, I set out to embrace them.

I embraced them by doing them. More specifically, I did a 100 burpee challenge

The challenge was set up to do one burpee on day one, two burpees on day two, etc.

If you miss a day or days, you have to make up ALL of the missed burpees plus the current day’s burpees to continue. For example, if you miss days 10, 11 and 12, then on day 13 you have to do 46 burpees. 

One day, I did over 300. One day I did over 400. One day I did over 600.

I completed the challenge, though, and today I don’t hate burpees. How could I possibly hate them when I’ve never again had to do 600+ burpees in a single day?!  

Here are a few things I learned about how to do burpees

1. They really aren’t that hard

Let’s be honest, they are nothing more than getting on the ground and then getting back up. When you’re up, get down. When you’re down, get up.

That day I had to do over 600, really made me see them differently. As soon as I stood up, all I had to do was get down. Once I was down, I just had to get up. 

Of course there is always technique, which I’ll address shortly, but the basics of a burpee aren’t hard. Get down and get back up.

2. You have to pace yourself 

That pace is going to be different for everyone. Things like fitness level, volume of burpees, whether you are combining them with other movements, etc, will determine your pace from workout to workout. 

Your pace should be the rate at which you can move as quickly as possible, without stopping. Burpees will get your heart rate up and your lungs burning so you have to find that point that you can continue to manage both without stopping.

Sprinting and stopping and sprinting and stopping is going to take you much longer to accomplish the same amount of work. Find that breaking point of moving as fast as you can, but not so fast that you have to stop…and then stay there.  

3. Technique is a key part of how to do burpees

There are many tips out there for how to do burpees. Here are some of my favorites.

When you get down, don’t stop in the middle, at the top of the plank, and then lower yourself. Rather, try to kick your feet back as you’re coming down and “catch” yourself in the bottom of the push up position. This is because it takes longer when you stop, it takes more effort to stop there, and you then have to do the decline of your push up, which is harder than just falling. 

When you get up, jump your feet wider than your hands and throw your hips up as you bring those feet up. When you go to stand up, go straight into your jump. Don’t stop at the stand, and then jump. Let your stand and jump be one fluid movement. 

Move as little as possible. I am all about efficiency and accomplishing a task with as little effort as possible. Flow as many movements together as possible. Step up and step down if you have to. 

4. Burpees are mentally taxing

It can be a real mental game for a lot of people.  There were far more people who started the 100 day challenge than people who completed it.

The burpee is very repetitive and it takes a lot of effort to complete just one, and they never go as fast as you want them to go so it can be frustrating. When you accept them for the challenge that they are, you can just get after it. 

Final thoughts

If you think burpees suck, embrace them. 

Embrace that you’re burning calories and getting a full body workout every time you do them. 

Embrace them because you’ll never need the Life Alert, if you’ll just do them. You’ll be able to get on the floor and play with your kids, your grandkids, your dogs, or whatever, and not have to worry about not being able to get up. 

So, the next time you see burpees programmed, embrace them. After all, you’re just getting down and then getting back up. 

By Kari Reed


5 Tips for CrossFit Workout Recovery

Have you recently gotten started on a journey to health and fitness? Have you just started doing CrossFit for the first time? If so, you probably are surprised at the newfound level of “pain” after your workouts! You’ll be in serious need of tips for CrossFit workout recovery.

When I talk about pain, I don’t mean crippling pain. I mean that kind of muscle soreness that comes from an intense workout. When someone is just getting started with their fitness, it’s common to use “pain” as a reason to skip workouts. The problem with that idea comes when one missed workout turns into two. Then that turns into three, and then four, eventually wrecking your fitness goals.

So, you should learn to deal with the soreness. How do you deal with it, stay on track and reach those goals? Here are five tips for CrossFit workout recovery to help you get to those results you want.

1. The best tip for CrossFit workout recovery: go to class  

The absolute best thing you can do when you’re sore is to keep going to class. By continuing to work out, you will keep your muscles moving. This actually prevents stiffness.  

When you get to class, let your coach know how you’re feeling and talk about possibly lowering the intensity of your workout. Choosing to lower the intensity will keep you moving and keep you on track towards those goals while minimizing the risk of injury.

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

It’s super easy to drink a ton of water while you’re dripping in sweat but the real challenge comes when you get home.

There are a lot of formulas out there that can help you figure out exactly how much water you need to drink daily, in order to optimize your workouts. 

However, one of the easiest ways to monitor that hydration is to pay attention to your urine. When you use the restroom, your urine resembles the color of lemonade. If it’s any darker, then it means you may be dehydrated. If it’s too clear, it could mean over-hydration.

3. Eat lots of whole foods and lean protein

As easy as it is to grab a protein shake while you’re on the go, it should not be used in lieu of actual food. You are helping your body to heal itself, and the soreness, when you choose to eat clean, whole foods. 

Consuming the proper ratio of protein, carbohydrates and fat will help you to build lean muscle. You’ll quickly see the results you’re working towards. Your diet is so important to your progress.

4. Zzzzzzzzzz…. 

You may not believe this, but one of the best tips for CrossFit workout recovery is sleeping! Your muscle fibers tear down during your workout. During sleep, they repair themselves.

On top of keeping muscle soreness at bay, a good night’s sleep will also help you train harder the next day!

It’s important to note that not all sleep is created equal. Napping throughout the day, falling asleep to the TV, and alcohol induced sleep will not adequately provide you with the peaceful, natural sleep that you need.

5. Post CrossFit workout recovery products

There are some great and some not so great workout recovery products out there. When choosing, go for a product that helps replenish electrolytes and essential nutrients so that the body can recover and repair itself. 

If you are wondering what a great product option would be, or what nutrients you need and don’t need, have a conversation with your coach the next time you’re at the gym.  

Why workout recovery is key

With all of that being said, you should push yourself at the gym and train hard. But what you do after you leave the gym is also very important.

When you aim for great recovery between workouts, you will see the results you want in a shorter time and help reduce that awful soreness.

So now that you have tips to follow for really great recovery, go hard on that next workout!

By Kari Reed


The 7 Most Functional Movements

There are 7 movements that known as the most functional movements. These are the movements that the human body moves through (or at least should move through) on a daily basis. This is why they’re the ones we should do in the gym most often as well.

The conventional/commercial approach to fitness is machine based (often seated and with some resistance that usually focuses on one muscle group). There is a focus on aerobic over strength/function, and multiple “helpers”. These might be handles to hold onto and brace while doing hamstring curls, or a pull up machine with a platform that helps you lift yourself.

If you are a bodybuilder or physique competitor, this can be very helpful and important. But what if you are a human who just wants or needs to be stronger/healthier to live a longer and happier life? That is where functional movements come into play. 

So, what are the 7 most functional movements?


If you have ever sat down and stood up, you have done a squat. This movement can range in difficulty. Easiest is a supported squat, using something to hold onto as you sit/stand all the way. The hardest is an overhead squat or a pistol (single leg squat). These are many variations in between.


Ever bent down and picked something up off the ground? Congratulations, you have done a deadlift. There are also countless variations of the deadlift. You can also adjust the load and range of motion for any level of ability.


Lunges are quickly becoming one of my favorite movements. They have good transfer to walking/carrying and can be easier for beginners than a full on squat. You can easily adjust the load, and do these using each plane of the body. That is to say, they can be done forward, backward, sideways, and up/down.


Yes, of course pushing a sled looks cool and is what everyone pictures first. But presses also fall into this movement. Bench press is probably one of the most well known, but strict presses, jerks, seated presses and others are all part of this movement pattern.


Pull ups, rows, rope climbs, and band-pull aparts. The pull is such a simple and underestimated movement. I can promise the pull is used much more in daily life than we realize. It is definitely one of the most functional movements. Pull movements help us to develop nice strong back and shoulder muscles.


Everyone knows doing 1000s of sit ups a day will give you a strong core right? No, definitely not! Planks, side planks, weighted holds, crawls, and rocks are all great ways to build a stable core. The core is one area where, if you increase its stability and its strength, you will get stronger in every other movement. Core movements are not to be overlooked.


I would say general locomotion falls under this. Can you move yourself through time and space effectively? Can you do that with weight, and can you do it for short fast distances, can you do it with weight, or over varying terrain? Walking, crawling, running, or jumping? All of these seem and sound easy, but when you start adding weight or reliving a movement we have forgotten (the crawl), you start to increase the difficulty. 

Why to focus on these movements

The nice thing about the most functional movements is that they can be combined in an unlimited amount of ways and variety. On top of that, they are actual movements you will use in life – unlike some machines found at a commercial gym (pec-deck)!

Interested in starting functional fitness? We would love to guide you, contact us today to get started.


8 Magic Fat Loss Pills (Part 2)

Part 2, here we go. If you read part 1 then you will know you were supposed to drink some more water before bed, and then get to bed on time. Hopefully you did one or both of those things and started today on the right foot! If you did not do those things, don’t worry.  Today is a new day, and we are starting fresh. I want you to pick 1 or 2 of these magic fat loss pills off this list and do them today! 

Magic fat loss pills at Buffalo Nickel CrossFit

The whole Buffalo Nickel CrossFit team is here to help you. So, if you have questions please let us know. We would love to help you have the body and/or life of your dreams!

Calorie deficit

Food gives our bodies energy. A way of measuring how much energy we take in and how much we burn is through calories. Consuming less calories than you actually use in the day will result in weight loss. 

Please understand this does not mean starving yourself of nutrients and food completely. Your body still needs energy to function properly.

This can be tricky and there’s an overwhelming amount of information on this topic. So, take my advice and do research. Or, get a nutrition coach to help figure out the right foods and quantities. 

High quality sleep

You have heard it before and you will hear it again. The average adult needs 7-9 hours a night. Sleep allows your body to rest, shut down, and reset. 

This does not mean getting in bed at 10 but staying up for two hours watching TV, or playing on your phone. Your body/mind are easily trained. This is why you feel sleepy but then when you get in bed your mind knows there is a couple hours of stimulation coming, so it perks up. 

Try to make your room a good sleeping habitat (cool, dark, comfortable, quiet), then get in bed and focus on your breathing. It will help you get to sleep and stay asleep. In my opinion, good sleep is the most underutilized tool for health.


Drink water! 

Water is the only truly healthy drink that also offers 0 calories. Juices, pops, teas, energy drinks, coffee, and more might provide some energy, or are a good treat once in a while.

But water flushes toxins, boosts metabolism, improves skin/hair, helps blood pressure, makes a healthy brain, regulates body temp and more. Want to drink more water but don’t know how?  Here is our article on 5 ways to get more water.

Sufficient protein

The body needs protein. Plain and simple, humans must have protein.  And good quality protein in the right amounts is important for maintaining strength and muscle tone. 

For the most part your protein should be lean and minimally processed (white meat poultry, eggs, certain seafoods, some red meats). If you are vegan or vegetarian I would suggest looking for a yellow pea protein powder as opposed to soy products. 

Most if not all the world’s soy is genetically modified. Concerns about this are (luckily) becoming more important to people. However, there are alternatives available.

Nutrition dense foods

Have you ever eaten a large quantity of food only to feel hungry again a short time later? Chances are this was because that food was not rich in nutrients. 

Here is the kicker too, most times “foods” that don’t offer many nutrients are cheap to buy. However, you are not fulfilled when you eat them, so it leads to eating more. Eating more means you have to buy more, therefore spend more, so are they really cheaper? 

Not to mention they don’t give your body nutrients, and years of little to no nutrients can result in some pretty major health problems that cost 100 times what some good healthy food would have cost.

Stick to healthy, nutrient rich choices to fuel your body.

Strength train regularly

Lift heavy objects a few times a week. Heavy is relative. For some people and some movements heavy will be 10lbs. For others it will be hundreds of pounds. 

We have covered some of the benefits of adding weights in your workout here. Usually when people hear the phrase “lifting weights”, they picture some massive bodybuilder who has such big muscles they can’t touch their shoulder. 

But weight training does not need to be super heavy to be effective! Adding it in even a few times a week can be super beneficial.

Increased heart rate

Do things that get your heart rate high. Not just kinda sorta high, but red lined. 

Sprints, jumps, full body movements are great at getting and keeping that heart rate up. Make yourself sweat and breathe hard. 

Once again, like strength training, cardio done a few times a week will help metabolism, keep muscle tone, keep bone density up, increase balance, coordination, brain health and general athleticism.  

The key magic fat loss pill: consistency/patience

You will not and should not lose tons of weight in a short period of time. Be patient. 

You spent 20 years getting out of shape, expecting to get in shape in 30 days is delusional. I will tell you right now, if you are expecting to see a change before a couple months you will be disappointed. Especially if you are not consistent. 

You have to do all these things daily or almost daily to see any real change. Now, you will probably feel change after a few days, but this process works from the inside out. So you will feel it, then see it. Not the other way around. 

To help keep on track, celebrate small successes. Maybe it was your first day in 10 years where you did not drink pop, be proud of that. Use that as encouragement to help motivate and inspire yourself to continue down the healthy path.

These magic fat loss pills can help you

Stick with it! You can do this. Remember that it is our goal to make you happier and healthier. One of the things we offer is nutrition mentoring. We can give you awesome one on one coaching to help you understand nutrition. You can improve your lifestyle to work FOR you and not against you.


Buffalo Nickel Crossfit FAQ

Ever wonder about Buffalo Nickel CrossFit? Wonder no more! Here are the answers to your top questions about Buffalo Nickel Crossfit.

When did Buffalo Nickel CrossFit open?

The end of 2016. I decided to open around August/September. By the time all the papers were signed and the doors were open it was December.

Where does the name come from?

Mostly because I am a bison nerd! I find all aspects of them amazing. Their history, their wildness and stubbornness, how nutritious their meat is, but mostly how athletic they are.  Bison are all muscle, with very little fat. They are big, powerful and strong animals. Yet, they are still able to jump 6 foot fences, run about 40mph, and move with ease.  From a CrossFit perspective, they are one of the ultimate athletes.

Why did you start Buffalo Nickel CrossFit?   

I started coaching CrossFit in 2014 and I loved it. The most enjoyable part for me is helping people improve their movement. I really like being able to give someone the right cues to help them move better.

So, after coaching part time for about 2 years, I decided it was time to open my own affiliate. My goal starting out was simple: I wanted to help normal people become healthier, and move/lift in functional ways. CrossFit had been such a large part of my life and I felt like it had done a lot for me. I wanted others to experience that too.

What does the future hold for Buffalo Nickel CrossFit?

Of course, our main goal is to give our clients the very best value along with the ultimate CrossFit experience.  I want people to be blown away by every little detail of Buffalo Nickel. This is why it’s always a work in progress. I never stop thinking about what we can do to make our box better.

Myself and the other coaches do a lot of learning and studying just trying to make sure we can provide some great services to our members.

Knowing what you know now, would you do anything different? 

I definitely underestimated how difficult starting a business is. On the other side of that coin, I overestimated myself. 

There have been a lot of very long, painful, and expensive lessons to learn, but ultimately I enjoy the satisfaction of overcoming the obstacles.  Of course there are things I would do differently.  The main thing I would suggest to anyone starting any business is do your homework and just start trying different tactics to find what works. 

You can’t know/do too much.  The faster you find what doesn’t work, the quicker you can find what does. 

How will you know when you have become successful?

I think the word successful is misleading to most people. I believe most people picture success as reaching a point in life where they are done chasing dreams, or don’t have to work for things. Basically, a point where things are easy.

Of course I want to achieve goals, and accomplish what I set out to achieve. But I never want to reach a point where I stop chasing dreams. And resting on my laurels is unacceptable. For me it’s the chase that’s exciting.

Really, I just want to help make happy, healthy humans.  So that’s what we are going to do!

Click here to see some more info about what we do and how to join us at Buffalo Nickel CrossFit.